Worldwide Radio Summit

Jay LA v3

Pictured above: Jay Tyler at the World Wide Radio Summit in Los Angeles, 2018.

AA WWRS logoSee (and Hear)
Wheatstone & VoxPro at 
Worldwide Radio Summit

May 2-4th

Hollywood, California

Wheatstone X4 at WWRS


“Dip and skip” are two of the more common reasons for listener tune-out and audience measurement interruption.

These issues occur when:  


• Your HD audio dips lower (or louder) than your analog audio

• Your HD and analog audio are not in sync, which sounds like skipping during blending

Changes in HD and FM audio levels or HD/FM audio that is not in sync can lead to uncounted PPM listener data and loss of listeners, or both.

Only Wheatstone’s X4 audio processor automatically corrects for both. The X4 includes real-time audio measurement and correction to maintain precise HD and FM signal alignment, which is critical for uninterrupted audience measurement and listener experience as the HD signal blends to analog at the fringes of a station’s coverage area. 

In addition, the X4 lets you insert your ratings encoder into the audio processor, increasing the likelihood of credit. 

See X4 at WWRS 2018 in the Wheatstone booth to find out about these features and ask us about the loudness stress test! You and your listeners won't believe their ears! 

VoxPro 7.1 Sneak Peek at WWRS

And, we'll be previewing VoxPro 7.1, with a host of new features, including a Producer/Talent window with MULTIPLE tab HOT KEY PAGES that can be used across the entire WheatNet-IP network as well as a Visual Display of Audio Files that is now visually STICKY thanks to global “display headroom” setting.

Here's a video of VoxPro pro Kaden at the NAB Show 2018 giving an awesome demo of VoxPro.



So, be sure to stop by our booth at the Worldwide Radio Summit, May 2-4, at W HOTEL HOLLYWOOD - 6250 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA.


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